
  1. Klein, Ernest David. A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English. New York: Macmillan Publisjbhhing Company/London: Collier Macmillan Publishers (Printed in Israel), 1987 (out of print ).
  2. Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, general editors. ArtScroll Transliterated Linear Siddur, Sabbath and Festival, New York: Mesorah Publications, Ltd., 1998.
  3. Rabbi Nosson Scherman, The Rabbinical Council of America Edition of the ArtScroll Transliterated Linear Siddur, Weekday/Sabbath/Festival, New York: Mesorah Publications, Ltd., 1984.
  4. Rabbi Nosson Scherman, editor. The Stone Edition Tanach, New York: Mesorah Publications, Ltd., 1996.
  5. Bolozky, Shmuel. 501 Hebrew Verbs. Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1996.
  6. Leeser, Isaac. Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures. New York: Hebrew Publishing Company, 1853.
  7. Baltsan, Hayim. Webster’s New World Hebrew Dictionary. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1992.
  8. Garfiel, Evelyn. Service of the Heart. New Jersey/London: Jason Aronson Inc., 1994.
  9. Nulman, Macy. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer. New Jersey/London: Jason Aronson Inc., 1993.
  10. Alcalay, Reuben. The Complete English-Hebrew Dictionary. Tel-Aviv, Israel: Miskal - Publishing & Distribution Ltd., 1996.
  11. Coffin, Edna Amir. Lessons in Modern Hebrew, Level I. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 1998.
  12. Werblowsky, Dr. R. J. Zvi, and Wigoder, Dr. Geoffrey, editors. The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion. N.Y., Chicago, San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1965.
  13. Ben-Abba, Dov, Editor. The Meridian Hebrew/English English/Hebrew Dictionary. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1994
  14. Stern, Chaim, Editor. Gates of Prayer. New York: Central Conference of American Rabbis/London: Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues, 1975. (19th printing, 1995.)
  15. Weingreen, J. , M.A., Ph.D. A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew. Second Edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press/New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.
  16. Clark, Matityahu. Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew, based on the Commentaries of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. Feldheim Publishers, 1999.
  17. Rabbi Jules Harlow, Ed. Siddur Sim Shalom. The Rabbinical Assembly, The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, New York, 1985 and 1998.
  18. Gates of Shabbat. CCAR Press, New York, 1991


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Illustrated panel on left from decorated page in the Pesaro Siddur. Pesaro, 1480. Letchworth, Sassoon Collection, ms. 23, page 759